About me

Hi! 👋

I'm a Norwegian medical doctor translating exercise science into actionable cyclist advice. I also work in acute medicine and write my PhD on cardiovascular biomarkers in endurance athletes.

My passion for sharing training advice stems from my adolescence. The frustration of knowing you had talent but not fully grasping how to develop it.

"If only I knew then what I know now..."

Today, I share my thoughts on how to break through plateaus and set new personal bests.

It's all in my newsletter, "The Secrets of Cycling Science: Breaking Through Plateaus." It's read by 7,360 cyclists. Click the orange button to get it for free.

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Chapeau – just one more step and you're all set. Pop your name and email below for instant access to my science-based training protocols.

    I too appreciate an uncluttered inbox. You will occasionally receive info about my coaching & training plans. However, I'll do my utmost not to flood your inbox. Unsubscribe at any time.